숙제 및 퀴즈
Content | Score | Date |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
학습태도 평가
1 = 매우 부족, 5 = 매우 좋음
1 - 5 | |
Concentration | 5 |
Comprehension | 4 |
Participance | 5 |
Diligence | 5 |
강사 비고란
무엇을 어떻게 하였는지, 학생이 노력해야할 점 등 (부족 혹은 매우 부족이 있는 항목은 아래 비고란에 설명)
Current class status/updates | Today we went over probability and calculating means and standard deviation using probability tables. We also went over how to compute mean and standard deviations in multiple data sets and utilizing variations in these. Yewon completed most of her homework for class today. |
Room for improvement | Yewon is doing well in this unit! I think just some practice and establishing her concepts will prepare her very well for her upcoming exam. I gave her a few resources for some extra practice help which will hopefully be useful to her! |
HW | Textbook! |