숙제 및 퀴즈
Content | Score | Date |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
학습태도 평가
1 = 매우 부족, 5 = 매우 좋음
1 - 5 | |
Concentration | 5 |
Comprehension | 4 |
Participance | 5 |
Diligence | 5 |
강사 비고란
무엇을 어떻게 하였는지, 학생이 노력해야할 점 등 (부족 혹은 매우 부족이 있는 항목은 아래 비고란에 설명)
Current class status/updates | Today we went over a lot of practice problems for binomial and geometric distributions as a refresher for Yewon. We completed the problem set from last class and started on a new one. |
Room for improvement | Yewon has a very strong grasp on this unit in statistics. Just a few areas are left for some minimal improvement such as calculator rules and notation formation. |
HW | N/A |